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I am a Primary School teacher just about to move to the Bristol area and after two years of posting very little I am going to make an effort to post a little more often.

Monday 31 October 2011

Lakes Trip - back in the Van

Being out of full time employment does has its advantages, I have been out biking, road and mountain, climbing, scrambling and I have actually done a few bits of work on DOE trainings. It also means that I was able to go to the Lake District for a few days for a bit of climbing in a new area. Until now I have never had a good weather day in the Lakes, It drizzled on Thursday but climbing at Sheperds Crag was possible and pleasent, from classic VD to an E6 6b or 6c (we didnt try these two but a couple of lads were working the 6c one.

I had stolen Rory of Kelly and spent a very comfortable night on my own in the van and even work to a tea delivery from Sian, winner.

Friday was the best weather I have had in the lakes, there was an orange/yellow thing in the sky, the SUN. We went for a mountain crag and headed up to Grey Crag, 1.5hour approach but well worth th 6 pitches which can be easily linked to gain the summit, you can descen to the foot of the crag by the gulleys nearby but we chose to follow the ridge back allong the tops before descending back to the van.

Cheers Leo and Sian, for the climbing, cooking and 'cariading'!!!

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