About the Author

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I am a Primary School teacher just about to move to the Bristol area and after two years of posting very little I am going to make an effort to post a little more often.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Good News

Its been a while since I have added anything to the blog but its because I have been busy. I have been working, playing, been to my nephews Christening and my grandparents diamond wedding anniversary celebration, driving to and from reading and organising school visits and job applications ect. I even went and got myself a fantastic job in a brilliant school in Basingstoke.

It means I'm going to be leaving Costa del Snowdonia and moving back to Reading. I have already been looking for places to go and play but Berkshire is pretty flat. There are climbing walls about though and plenty of swimming pools, I may even start swimming again.

Really excited about the new job for September but in the mean time there are a few things I need to do before leaving Wales and starting a full time job. I know I can return on the weekends (thanks in advance to all those people who will find me appearing on their doorstep) but it sounds more dramatic this way. Check my next post for the 'tick list' because anyone can join me/us.

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